The internet is fragile. Be the first to know when your site is in danger.


The internet is fragile. Be the first to know when your site is in danger.

Nobody Likes a Slow Website.
The following colors are used in the chart bars to indicate the different stages of a request.

DNS Web browser is looking up DNS information
SSL Web browser is performing an SSL handshake
Connect Web browser is connecting to the server
Send Web browser is sending data to the server
Wait Web browser is waiting for data from the server
Receive Web browser is receiving data from the server
Blocked Web browser is not ready to send
Content Types
The following icons are used to indicate different content types.

HTML HTML Document
JavaScript JavaScript file
CSS CSS file
Image Image file
Text/Plain Plain text document
Other Any other unknown content type
Warning The request got a 4XX, 5XX response or couldn’t be loaded
Redirect The request got a 3XX response and was redirected
Server Response Codes
To make it easy for you to differentiate between the HTTP response codes in the chart, we’ve added color-coded dots beside each URL.

2xx The server responded with a successful code
3xx The request was redirected to another target
4xx A client error occurred, for example 404 page not found
5xx A server error occurred, for example 500 internal server error


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