How Prominent Should AI Be in Your Business?



With AI emerging as a hot topic in the modern digital world, there doesn’t seem to be any industry not talking about making use of it going forward.

Therefore, your own business will inevitably ask whether you should be doing the same. When the tide of popular opinion is going a certain way, it can be difficult to argue or take any sort of contrary position. However, to deliver the best results, you need to thoroughly understand your business and what you need to do to support it.

The Risk/Reward in Operations

In many lines of work, AI can provide a straightforward advantage – efficiency. However, this efficiency doesn’t come without cost. Not only does someone have to be able to use AI as they would with any other tool, but the work produced could be prone to errors or a lack of quality compared to what businesses in your industry might produce without it. You might feel as though this is a sacrifice worth making if it’s capable of saving you time and money, but it’s important to consider how it might impact the perception of your brand.

It could come to be seen that you’re prioritizing easy output over quality, especially if the results offered by your AI approach are noticeably weaker than what you were outputting before. Similarly, if people feel as though you’re not promoting human employment, the lack of jobs that you’re providing might also be perceived negatively.

Assistance with Security

Much as the cloud is often used to improve security systems, AI can be integrated into these services for a more robust, cohesive, and efficient protection. The relative freshness of AI in this area, however, does open it up to some potential learning curves about where its strengths and weaknesses lie. This is why services like OWASP AI work with businesses to overcome these potential issues, researching them and finding effective solutions.

If you’re hoping that AI will be a core function in protecting your business from external threats, you need to know all aspects of it. The right experts can offer exactly that, giving you a more robust understanding. If you know exactly where to apply AI and how you might find that your general use is more effective than a broad approach might be able to deliver.

Also read: How AI will Revolutionize Travel Planning and Booking

Small Purposes

Of course, with AI swiftly becoming as ingrained into every technological service as it is, it’s difficult to avoid it completely. Even if your business proclaims itself as one that’s trying to opt out of using AI and instead focus on the work generated by human employees, there will likely be times when you use AI as a tool – perhaps without even knowing about it. That’s not necessarily a breach of that oath, but it’s important to understand where you draw the line, and where it gets controversial. After all, you don’t want to find yourself unaware of how you’re accidentally crossing the line and misleading your audiences.


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